I am working on getting rose blanks (kits) plasma cut locally and elsewhere. I want to make sure that we have reliable source to supply . We could make the blanks that would add time to the class, someone would have to make them before a class.
I am waiting on costs from plasma cutting sources. If anyone knows some with a table I have the dxf files read to send them.
I have paper patterns for the parts on the bookshelf in the blacksmith shop. When I did a trial run I used my portable metal bandsaw to cut out the metal.
BUT if you can find a source to plasma cut them cheaply, I’m all for it! Thank you
I bought 100 blanks approximately 3 yrs ago and donated for the first 2 or 3 classes. I have made dxf files and waiting for an estimate. I am also waiting for the contact information for Alro project coordinator that is assigned to LMN.
I still have some rose kit and we get approved I will supply the first class.
And yes we can cut the rose blanks and make stems and leaves but that require more time for a class. Or someone to prepare for any class.
Thanks Maria you are the bomb.
That a 50’s that means you’re awesome. That
gives me a bench mark. As I get the estimates for plasma cutting. I can adjust the costs. Also I have looked at others offering the class and seeing what they are charging we have been kind of low.
Mark up 150% (1.5 x $10.50)= $ 15.75
Profit from Rose kits $5.25 x 100 kits = $525.00
Class current cost $90.00 + rose kit $15.75 total $105.75
Number of student on average with 10 in a class at $90.00 = $900.00
10 Rose Kits at $15.75 less cost of kit $10.50 = $5.25 x 10 = $52.50
Average propane per gallon in Michigan $2.217
Projected average used in 4 hour class of 10 class member 20 gallon $44.34
Cost of fuel propane for 10 class members $44.34
Number of student 10 current class cost to attend $90.00 Lansing Marker Nework $900.00
10 Rose kits $105.00
Propane $44.34
Total Expenses 149.34
Total profit for LMN $750.66 at current cost of class
Average class add 7 different sources for class cost the average is $231.00
10 class at 230.00 = $2300 less expenses $149.34 = $2150.33 profit for the LMN
Rose Kit with 150% markup $15.75 x 10 = $157.50
Proposed new Rose Class $ 150.00
10 in class at $150.00 = $1500.00 less expenses rounded to $150.00 profit for LMN $1350.00
Free to run the numbers and correct anything that require correction.
Note this class can be offered as a welding, metal working, jewelry or blacksmithing. Has a wide range of areas
Thank you, Bobby! I 'd like to see us include the EventBrite & credit card fee expenses within the cost of this calculation + any ad fees we may want to run on social media. I also feel we need to have confidence in charging the higher prices for our classes.
In the jewelry area we’re able to accommodate up to 6 students in a class. Have we had 10 students in the rose making class in the past & do we currently have enough tools, in the blacksmithing area, to accommodate 10 students? Would the roses be done in a ferrous metal?
I appreciate the time & work you’ve put into this!
That would be good to add however I do not have access to that information. Perhaps some one else can provide those expenses and amend my calculations.
And yes we had 10 class participants when was assist teaching with the Blacksmithing of that period.
I am willing work with anyone to help in my humble way to achieve that goal.
I will demonstrate any blacksmith class that had the good fortune be involved with when asked. I am now of an age that I prefer to assist rather than teach. will demonstrate and help someone else be the teacher.
I also plan to acquire the Rose kits and donate to LMN.
Attached picture of some of my flowers.
The idea is generate some revenue for LMN so that would have the resources to put back in the various departments ( areas). So that we could meet LMN financial requirements and grow LMN. We may need to adjust our pricing structure to meet those goals. Being a non-profit doesn’t mean you can’t make a profit. Profit is how an organization meets it’s financial requirements along with donations that are carefully managed. We provide a service to the area and we must make that service the best in the area. Otherwise we (LMN) go the way other failed good intentions.
I now have the rose blanks and have sorted them into kit packages. I have also picked up 8 foot 1/4 and 3/16 inch steel rod. I also got 1/4 - 20 bolt and nuts. Going prepare the rode and cut to length. Laying out my plan for demo of how make a steel rose.
I would like offer a demonstration of how we did the rose class.
Sometime next, Thursday, Friday , or Saturday
I have been practicing and I think I am ready
I am available Friday 01/17 if that is open to all interested. I would hope to help organize a class that could be available for the Valentines day folks. I realize that is a lot of wishful thinking on my part.
@bjadms8 that sounds great! I agree, running the rose class for valentines day would be super cool.
I’m available Friday 1/17 after 5:30pm, if that works for you.