I will plan to be in by 6:30 pm and be there till 8:00 pm or later to answer any questions.
I have 3 kits to demo and 3 or 4 stems made up. Will offer and multiple ways to do the stems.
All are welcome I will do my best to give you ideas.
The box of blanks were sent via Brian.
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Sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight! I haven’t seen them in the space so you might want to pester Brian
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I will still be there for anyone that wants to know about make roses and flowers
After demo of how to make a rose left the remaining stems with Maria who attended the demonstration.
Brin said he would bring the box of rose blanks in on Saturday afternoon.
I left with a offer to help with rose class with someone else as primary.
I will offer my help with any blacksmithing class, or tool making.