LMN usually has a tent for all of our members’ projects (and the makerspace games and stuff). When you sign up, be sure to mention LMN in your application so hopefully they’ll group you with us.
We’ll also be looking for volunteers for LMN’s booth as the date approaches, volunteers who do 4 hours get free admission to the faire (MFD’s rules). Details on that will come later, I’m sure.
We’ve also been talking about ways to make LMN’s tent more interactive and do something more than we’re done in the past few years. Feel free to chime in with ideas (or bring up ideas that we’ve talked about in passing )
For those of us who are new, what projects have been done in the past? (I tried a search and saw mention of the large games and an attempt at having a forge, but could not find reference to other ideas.)
Any size of project is welcome. It does not even have to be complete and working. Previously we have made the Mega’s and typically always bring Mega-Operation and Mega-Tetris. Other than those, basically anything is welcome. We will try to push for the Blacksmith group to bring a forge so they can bang things out. I will likely bring some general Arduino learning material. We were thinking about having a Presenter forum. Where persons can schedule 10-30 minutes talks about what ever.
If you or anyone else have some ideas, please feel free to present them and several of the Maker Faire veterans can provide input as to how that best be presented.
Additionally there will likely be a few more entry, that have yet to register.
Custom Decorative Laser Cut Boxes
Lego Pit Table
32 Core Raspberry Pi Computing Cluster
Raspberry Pi Gesture Controlled Magic Wand
Electronic Trainer
Any one interested in volunteering and or having an exhibit, or has already registered reply or contact LMN board. We are looking to get as much local awareness, as possible.