Advertising material needed / requested

This should be cross posted to administration but I only see option to add one.
I made contact with a business in Mason and though they have no extra cash to donate or sponsor they would be willing to find a place for some advertising material and talk up the space as they often get people asking if they will do small jobs of if they know a place they can rent space. Perfect for us. Maybe this will develop into a sponsorship/partnership.
The Ask: We have no flyers, trifolds, or anything like that we could post on bulletin boards or leave with other vendors. All I could find yesterday were the Membership cards. Media Layout s not my strong suit but I’d be willing to work with someone to help design and get printed. I have some ideas of why it might look like if that helps.

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That’s awesome! Was it MI Barn Wood & Salvage by any chance?


Most recent poster I know of is this one: Do we have posters? Can I post them?

@brian.adams @Lex do we have any other existing advertising materials?

I have made flyers and signage type items using Paint, probably could also work out a brochure thing. I won’t make any promises, because I am an amateur, at best, with graphic design, and I know zero beyond Paint, but I could give it a shot. I would need to know what info should/could go in a brochure or flyer, maybe confer with one or more people about it–email Attached is a flyer I made about the upcoming meeting for a musical instrument group.

I just saw a copy of that colorful flyer–and I don’t think it can be improved upon–looks great, gets the message across.

I was a graphic design for most of my career and still keep a full license Adobe. I don’t have the knowledge of LMN to create this kind of media package on my own.

Is there an asset library (image and copy)?

Is there any kind of exchange rate (time → dues) for volunteerism?

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@NicoleBroughtonAdams is the volunteer coordinator, for front desk work it’s 10 hours= 1 month open hours, I do not know if it’s different for one time jobs. It would be super useful to have this done professionally and have all our stuff matching and ready to print

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Hi all, sorry that I missed this. Attached is the most recent flyer that we’ve got for handing out widely.

I’ve printed out a modest stack and put it on the front counter for anyone that wants to hand them out.