Do we have posters? Can I post them?

Hey folks, I was wondering if we have posters or flyers made up to spread the word about LMN around town? It’s a little old school, but I feel like the kinds of people who make things are more likely to scan bulletin boards at community centers, music venues, across campus, etc. I would love to put some up around town if we have any! If we don’t, I’d be open to designing some :slight_smile:


I really hope we do. Kind of exceedingly basic.

We do have flyers! @brian.adams made edits to a version I made a couple months ago and printed out a small handful, but then never sent the digital version as requested multiple times or print more out.

I’m so sorry. The long and short, it was on my laptop locally instead of a share drive, needed to be flattened, etc. Not an excuse ofc, as its not exactly an insurmountable problem. It’s attached here.

LMN John Cardinal Colorful Flyer Flat.pdf (842.5 KB)

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