Woodshop class help needed

The classes taught in the wood shop go much better with an assistant on hand. I’d like to get a group of people interested in helping in these classes.

The requirements are:

  • being checked out on the tools involved
  • being comfortable supervising and helping others use these tools safely
  • being patient when novices are possibly tentative about using them.

The time commitment is typically 9 am to 4 pm or so. If you are interested in teaching, maybe you can teach a class at some point.

If this sounds like your thing, reply here or to me directly, and we can talk.

Wood shop


Let’s talk tomorrow

Hi Tony, I’d be happy to help out when I can. I just need to have some communication when things are happening. Tis the season and typically I’m not looking for things to keep me busy, But I’m happy to help out if I know whats up.

BTW - I installed a new arbor nut and left a wrench on the Delta Unisaw. Hopefully that helped with use of that saw.

Talk Soon, Thad

Thanks, Thad. I have an idea or two id like to run by you. I’ll send you an email.

Now that I’m checked out on some of the woodshop, I’d love to be an assistant to keep leaning and helping when needed. Don’t think I’m pro enough to run a class, but I can be extra hands as needed!


I’d be happy to help when I’m available. Is there a schedule of upcoming classes?

Tom Herdt

The class schedule is on the LMN web page - lansingmakersnetwork.org, then click “classes”. If there are any dates that works better for you, note that in a comment here.

We are trying to get a group of helpers to draw from for the classes, so we want to have each work in a class or two to learn the process. I can’t say for sure that you will be able to reserve a spot today. But i hope you can do so.


I’d be happy to help with the cutting-board classes Feb. 1, 22, and April 5. I did that class myself several years ago, so I have some familiarity with how it goes. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do before the classes.

Tom Herdt

Tom.my apologies for taking so long to reply.

The February classes will be taught by Carl Raymond, but the April 5 class is mine. I’d be happy to have you help with that class. Let’s talk some time before then. I will be gone most of Jan and Feb, so I;ll contact you some time early March.

Hi Tony,

No problem with the time in getting back to me. I’ll be out of town for about the first week and a half of March, so we’ll have to catch up after that. I’ll plan to talk to Carl (@RealCarlRaymond) before the February classes.
