Wood storage for panel stock

While clearing out the area of the large panel stock was found black mold on the walls we have sprayed it with some a Clorox solution kill the mold. The bottle at the base of the wall is that solution and can be sprayed on again if someone is there… Clif and are set to return at 2. Pm to clean the wall and continue building storage. There’s a lot of mold on the wood that was stored there and we are taking steps to dispose of said wood.

Yikes… Right, and I have a horrible mold allergy. Thanks for the heads up, @bjadms8 . Plz let me know when the proverbial coast is clear. :+1:

Went in and using Clorox bleach soap and water cleaned the wall of the mold on the wall wee flat panel storage is planned to go. Cliff and I will be back 5:30 pm Monday to get that storage completed.