Wood shop cleanup and reorg

I want to do some additional work/cleanup/reorganizing in the wood shop. Specifically, along the south wall between the loading dock and the loft where the compressor and band saws are located. Since the storage area on the north side is being converted into small 1 person studios, i want to add storage for members tubs over in the south side. I also want a place where large pieces of materials like plywood can be TEMPORARILY kept.

To accomplish this, the stuff stacked here has to go somewhere else. If you have material here, please take it home, or move it by Sunday, November 10. If you can’t move it, please see me or contact me about it to make arrangements for it. I will also contact people with parking passes on this stuff as well. If you have material here that does not have a parking pass, please put one on it asap.

Please know that you will not lose materials AS LONG AS WE CAN FIGURE OUT WHO OWNS IT. But untagged material will be moved to allow the work to be done.

Also, im looking for a crew to help with this work. If youd like to donate a day or even a few hours work for this, contact me.

Please post comments and questions here.


Anyone recognize these items, or claim them, or know who they belong to? They need to be removed by Sunday, November 10, or they will be disposed of or made available to other makers.

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If no one claims the trunk w/ the bark on it, I’d like that.

I am fairly sure that this is from @krussell

I’d be free a few hours before/after open stitch this Sunday to help clean! Or sometime after 5 next week. I’m not as familiar with the woodshop but I can at least lend extra hands as needed.

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Kathryn told me that the big slab o’ tree is hers.

Anna, thank you. Watch the talk site. I will post here when i set actual work days.

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