Wanna go tour the Kzoo Maker Space?

I think we have 5 people going tomorrow, which means we will likely need another driver. I can carry 3 passengers comfortably. Any volunteers?

I can also drive!
Just waiting for the rain to clear so I can clear out my car

I’d like to come along in the carpool. I can contribute some gas money.

Just got the clear for the day off! I’m down to join in if there is room still.


Please be at LMN tomorrow morning, ready to leave by 9:30. I count 6 people going so far, so we will need at least 2 vehicles. If you’re able and willing to drive, let me know in the morning.

If you want to go and have not commented here, no worries. Just show up before we leave, and we’ll work out something.

On my way
Blah blah blah

The trip went great, and we had fun. Had a great lunch, too! We also saw some great maker stuff, like the wallet vac, and the vacu-form tool. They had an interesting way to clear sawdust from the wood shop.

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