Hi all! I am looking for the process that exists for evaluating volunteer applications/approving volunteer applications/getting volunteers set up, etc. I went through an (assumed) atypical experience with it all myself, and have heard from two people that have submitted applications that they haven’t heard anything. I’d love to help with the process as needed, but I am not sure where to begin. Thanks!
Filled out the application myself about a month ago and have not heard anything pertaining to that. My participation has all been orchestrated through the talksite.
How it is supposed to happen I am not sure.
@NicoleBroughtonAdams is the volunteer coordinator. Has she reached out to either of you about this yet?
I haven’t heard anything besides what trogo said above. The volunteer email on the site didnt seem to work (probably my end, sorry!) which is why I originally posted. Does she have another email I could use? I’d really love to help if there’s more manpower needed in review!
Hi all- we are in the process of revamping the volunteer onboarding process. I will be in touch with you all via email within the week to start setting up interviews and with more information about next steps.
Thanks for your patience!