@ron I’m sorry I missed this!
Did you have any of those puzzles left to work through…?
I do! I haven’t even started yet. I might try to tackle a few next week on the 9th
@Evelyn ya! I need to check which one I’m on. I haven’t made it past the first set.
If you start on any of them let me know!
@billehhg I can’t make it this Sunday, and will be out of town on the 9th.
I’ll be back on the 16th though. Would be interested in the “Intro to Assembly” event
apologies if I’m necroposting here… But I would love to get around and bring this back if anyone still wants to (relating to sunday night hacking) ! Perhaps @ron and @billehhg… I’ve got basic experience in x86, intereseted in RE myself. I would love to setup a presentation for anyone wanting to learn.
I love this idea!
@Eli , would you be willing to pick a specific time/date to share your presentation?
We could share it amongst our members and post it on our community calendar
@Eli I would still like this to become a thing!
Sunday night turned out to be pretty hard for me, maybe thursday evenings would be easier for everyone?
Thursday evenings works for me! Start next week? Perhaps we can put something out in the discord to get more attention come time.
@Eli Hey Eli, sorry for the long silence. We just had a new baby, so have been super busy and sleepless for the last 2 weeks. I would really like to have a group like this, can we check again in a month or 2?
pick a thursday or sunday evening and post it; im interested and will try to be there