This Friday: Trebuchet launch

Hey all.
This Friday at 6pm we are doing a little pumpkin launch at the space, using a trebuchet that was recently donated.
It’ll be in the McLaren Parking lot, across from LMN.

We’ll be launching mini-pumpkins, and potentially other items that weigh 1-5 lbs (the current amount that it is happy launching).

Come on down, bring the family.
If you happen to have some, bring some small pumpkins as well and we will make them fly.

See you there!


Do you have a photo of the trebuchet?
Is it a counter weight trebuchet?

With a little work, it could be made safe enough to operate.

I’d love your expertise. I’ll be at LMN on Thursday evening putting on finishing touches, please join me!

During what time will you be there?

I can bring more counter weight if it is required/desired

I’m shooting for 5:30-6. I’ll also be trying to make a little cardboard castle to clobber.

Yes please! I’ve got a bit more that I acquired but extra would be good.

Is the garrison in the cardboard castle allowed to counter clobber?

Happy to say that we successfully chucked a pile of pumpkins, some water balloons, and one home-grown watermelon.
Videos/Images coming soon.

It took a team to pull this one off.
Thanks to @cafwood and @GaryB for the guidance. To @egillespie, @Evelyn, @Tony, and @RealCarlRaymond for getting it in working shape, and to @Lou and @Jimmy for help during the event.

A question to the masses: Is this event the kind of thing that you would like to see more of at LMN?

I’d like to see more stuff like this because it increases my chances of being able to attend some! The hacker night and if we revive the game night seems like they’d scratch this sort of itch for me as well. :grin:

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