Things mark needs or may pay for or traid

Plz feel free to call me and ask questions. my phone # is 517 402 8552.

For the Drover Drill I will still need to make some big spools out of wood this would be easy work with the wood lath. I would pay or volunteer for that one. I’ll do it myself If i can get certified.

I have a project that requires a remote control be built. and there are at least 7 functions that will have to be built into this. the radio function will have to work underwater on the receiver end so if you know a good way to get said signal through I would also consider expertise in this. I’ll pay/volunteer labor 300$ worth of resources to this and pay for parts.

I have a project to make supirior seedling pots that are cheaper then the plastic ones and biodegrade in place. I would like to work with the laser wood cutter people to investigate that idea, and if it pans out it would work as a press for a while. but it would take from 6 months to 2 years to really get momentum though.