The propane has been refilled

As the title says we received fresh tanks from Purity today and we are good to go. Thank you for your patience while I learn the new process.

Please use the small tanks before the large ones.

As a reminder please tell the front desk or contact me directly when you hook up the last full tank so I can get them filled with as little down time as possible. Thank you in advance!

Happy forging!

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Great! Thank you. Is a tank connected and the forge ready to go? I ask because yesterday I couldn’t see the appropriate connector/adapter anywhere.

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I did not take the time to hook one up as I needed to pick up my wife from work but the connector is present on the hose. The brass fitting on the regulator screws into the the tank valve on the inside of the spout rather say a grill hook up that screws on over the exterior of the spout.

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Thanks for the explanation. I was confused by that difference in the hookup.

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No problem happy to help!

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