SOS. Will anyone be at the space today?

I seem to have misplaced my faceting diagram notebook in the past 3 days and the only place I can think of would be at the space.

I can’t start faceting because all of my diagrams, angles and index positions are in that book.

Will anyone be there today at any point? I live just up the road by the zoo so I can be there at any time. Thank you in advanced.

I’m planning to go in after work today - any idea where in the space it might be?

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Either by the mini metal lathe on a cart, in the laser room, or by the computers in the front. Its a red spiral bound notebook.

I’ll let you know if I find it!

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Awesome! Thank you. 20 characters

I found a red spiral notebook and a black pad of graph paper in the laser room. I put them in the break room.


That would be them! Thank you Carl!

im here now through the evening. I’ll leave the side door of the shop open for you.

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