I thought I would share the following employement opportunity.
|### Wendy Summers <wsummers@radparts.com>|Aug 14, 2018, 10:01 AM (1 day ago)||
Hi Mike,
I stumbled across your name while googling “Lansing Michigan soldering ”. We are looking for a part-time person to repair boards for us; surface mount and through-hole. We recently acquired a Huntron to scan boards, now we need an operator. We have not done any SMT yet so the person would need to have that skill. Any prior knowledge of sourcing components is a plus too.
Do you know anyone that might be interested in some part time work? Up to 20 hours per week. Hours are flexible. We are here 8-7 Monday thru Friday.
Thank you for your time!
Wendy Summers
Office Manager
Radparts.com, Inc.
13614 Woodbury Rd.
Haslett, MI 48840
24/7 Support: 877-704-3838
HQ: 517-339-6784; FAX: 517-339-1215