Scott Woods potluck on Saturday

We were invited to a Neighbors of Scott Woods picnic/potluck on Saturday. The Scott Woods Park is just on the opposite side of the old McLaren building from us. The event goes from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and seems like an easy way to hand out some of the flyers Jimmy made and let them know about the cool things going on down the street from them.

Is anyone available to attend?

Here’s the full invitation that we received:

Hey, all.

We just met and finalized plans for the neighborhood picnic this Saturday (September 16) in Scott Woods Park. 1:00-3:00 pm

You and your entire family are invited.
Never been to a neighborhood meeting? You and your family are still invited.
Can’t bring a dish to share? You and your family are still invited.
We will have pizzas, games, prizes, and table service.
If you can, please bring lawn chairs and a dish to pass.
You and your family are invited!!
Looking forward to seeing you and your family this Saturday.

Your officers,
Jim, Kyle, Diana and John

Neighbors of Scott Woods

2520 Harding Ave
Lansing, MI 48910-3649
Find us on Facebook and Nextdoor


I’ll make an appearance before my shift!

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Awesome, thank you so much!