Scheduling an area managers meeting

Area Managers,

I’d like to find a time to get together and talk about some area managery topics. Of particular interest:

  1. Common plans for the areas (how we run the makerspace consistently).
  2. Plans for growth/expansion/improvement. In particular, we’re about 1 year out from the end of our current lease, so we’re beginning the process of what does the space need, how can we support getting us there, and what do the areas look like as part of that plan.
  3. Budget requests for 2018. Budget is being pulled together for board approval, and we need to discuss what we need to include for area support (and where do we expect revenue to match those requests)

We’d like to have a get together off-site, probably at either @Clifford_Bohm’s place or @brian.adams’s depending on how timing works out, and we’d like to do this ASAP so we can get moving on some stuff related to this. We’ll provide food of some sort. Suggestions welcome.

So, here’s what I need to know:

Which days in the below could you get together to meet, this would be an after work thing, say 6;00, and plan on at least two hours:

  • Tuesday, 11/14
  • Wednesday, 11/15
  • Thursday, 11/16
  • Friday, 11/17
  • Tuesday, 11/28
  • Wednesday, 11/29
  • Thursday, 11/30
  • Friday, 12/1

0 voters

Area managers:
Woodshop: @Gary
Electronics: @michael
Jewelry: @jody
Machine Shop: @RealCarlRaymond
Metal/Weld: @Clifford_Bohm
Craft: ???
Digital Fab: ???

let me know when and what time pls

Do any of the suggested days work for you then @Gary?

So, we’re not finding a consensus on when we can meet, and we need to get started putting together the equipment list for the LMN “ideal” space. So, in lieu of meeting (if you haven’t chimed in with your availability, please do, we’ll see if we can meet after Thanksgiving), I need equipment lists from Area Managers. What equipment does our “ideal” or “dream” space need to be top tier?

Give me as much detail as you’re able. Prices, links, etc will all be helpful in collating this information into an ask.

Next, I’ve started a document tentatively titled “How we run our makerspace” where we can start to put into words how we’re going to work together as area managers to run the space. It’s been shared with all the area managers to edit. (Makerspace Managers Manual - Google Docs)

Last, in concert with the “ideal” shop inventories, what budget requests do we have for the areas for the upcoming year? Not only new purchases, but what expendables does your area have that need to be budgeted for?