RESOLVED - Laser cutter y axis movement not working

ISSUE or REQUEST: Laser cutter y axis movement not working

Affected Tool or Resource: Laser Cutter (KH750)

Team, Group or Volunteer who usually handles this type of ISSUE or REQUEST

@TEAM_DigitalFab @jody

Details of ISSUE or REQUEST (Please be as specific as possible):

Y-axis movement stopped working mid job. Issue started with increasingly bad wiggle and I stopped the job as soon as I noticed it.

Checked the diagnostics menu - no items were lit up. X axis movement seems normal. No change after resetting the machine. Touching the carriage gently, it seems like it moves too freely in the y direction, as if the usual coupling to the motor has maybe slipped. (Could y slop in a job cause that?)

@jody has seen this problem before, it was a set screw that came loose.

Y slop definitely could have been the cause, so consider me a cautionary tale to not ignore that warning.