Propane needed for Blacksmithing

The forge propane ran out last night. I can go refill some on Monday.

If you refill at the UHaul on waverly (across from Home Depot), they have our tax-exempt on file. Make sure they do tax-exempt b/c LMN doesn’t reimburse sales tax.

You can submit the receipt online to get reimbursed: Reimbursement Form

No luck at UHaul today- they have one person certified to refill tanks and they were not going to be in until later this afternoon. I will call ahead and get in there again on Thursday.

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I have a spare 40 pound bottle if you want an extra tank

We have multiple tanks if able to refill more than one tank that should get us caught back up. And have a tank in reserve. There was a 20 gal tank that was under the table as a backup as well.

I just tried to contact U-Haul on Waverly to see if they could make use the account they set up is available to U-Haul Jolly/ Cedar. I contacted with a central reservation help desk which was of limited help. Suggested that to take the tax exempt form to Jolly/Cedar and setup the account again at that local as the may have setup the account at Waverly as a local account.
I will stop in at Waverly and see if they can help as well. Little face to face time.

Thanks for checking on that. If you need the tax exempt docs again, let me know and I can get them to you.

Bobby took care of this today. All the cylinders are full now.

There was at least one that was still half full, so just a reminder that when the cylinders ice up the pressure will drop. Give them some time to warm back up and you’ll be back in business.

Thanks! I saw the full ones, got the others topped off.

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