Member Renewal form is broken


It looks like the square iframes are not working at all. Gary mentioned that he could not renew online, I tried to reproduce the issue. The inputs are not being created, and we are left with grayed out iframes where they should be.

The browser says that “cross origin” iframes are disallowed (it seems to be on square’s end). Have they dropped support for the method we are using, or is it a careless config change?

This is all fixed now. I missed that a certain square API was retiring.

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Yeah! I’m glad it was planned. I was worried square had just messed up. Thanks for fixing it so quickly

I don’t know if this is related, but I was going to upgrade my membership this month as I renewed and it doesn’t give me the option to choose a different level, does that only work in person?

Only works in person! Theres an additional orientation that full access members need to go through.

Got it, thanks. I’ll do it next time I’m in.