May 24th Shop Work night: Volunteers needed

Hi there.
The night before the Makerspace Marketplace (Makerspace Marketplace Tickets, Sat, May 25, 2024 at 11:00 AM | Eventbrite) we are doing a work-night to get everything ready.

6-8pm, reply below if you can join.


*General Cleaning and Sweeping
*Put away hand tool
*Unplug tools that are not being used for demos
*Caution-tape off areas not to be used by the public
*Put up signage
*Move sale materials to the front

I think we can get this done quickly with a handful of volunteers.

Hope to see you there!

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I’ll be in earlier in the day to tidy the jewelry area since I’m unable to be there in the evening.

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I will be available to help clean on friday!

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Consider me there!

I will know if I can after this weekend.

Thanks all! See you around 6pm!

As it turns out, I am able to make it out on Saturday to give tours and roam. I can also make it on Friday night unless you are already full of volunteers.

Excellent! I could use your help at both times!

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Klaatu, Leif &possibly Foxx and Lindsey will be there to help.

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