Maker’s Material Market

We are very excited to announce our first event of the year: A Maker’s Material Market.

Scheduled for May 27th at LMN.
The seller signup is ready here:
This is a free event for both sellers and buyers! Please sign up if you also have too much material in your basement.
See an error or something that needs clarification on the signup sheet? Let us know.

For the next stages of planning, we will need the following:

  1. Volunteers! If you would like to work the event, please let us know. We’ll be making another call closer to the event as well.

  2. Help getting the word out. If you have folks, groups, guilds, businesses in your network that you think would like to join in, please invite them by sending the form above. When you have reached out, please post here so that we can be sure to reduce double dipping

  3. Area Managers: We will be coming around to chat about doing demos, open checkouts, etc. for your area. We know this might not make sense in all areas.

The primary goal of this event is to give Makers in our area a reason to come check out the space, driving membership as we show off our incredible space and everything that can be created in it.

Evelyn and Lex


The doc link doesn’t seem to work

Dangit. It should be fixed now.

Unfortunately not

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I will help and can do demo

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I’m available to help!

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Hey all! Bumping this thread again.

We are going to start reaching out to community members shortly. In the meantime, please sign up to bring some stuff to destash!

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I would like to auction the two Adirondack chairs I made and finished using materials from the class I taught. I would like the minimum bid to start at $450 for the pair, as this is a fundraiser for the Maker Space. I think the winning bid should be determined on the date of the event in May. Obviously, this needs to be advertised on social media for us to get any bids. Please contact me with any comments or questions.


You may want to take pictures of the exact chairs as the chairs in the above picture are slightly different.

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Wondering if the flyers are available digitally anywhere so that I can send them to people?

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I’ve attached the full page pdf and the quarter sheet. Quarter sheet is meant to be printed front and back of and 8.5x11 and trimmed off bleed
Thank you for asking!
Makers Material Market.pdf (132.8 KB)

This is excellent Charlie! Thank you very much. We’ll get that posted this week.
Where are the chairs so that I can get some pictures?

They are in the back storage area under moving blankets.

My last name is Finkel. You may want to add that I taught 2 classes in making similar chairs at the makerspace. They are made of treated southern yellow pine, and have a protective exterior oil finish. You may also want to invite interested bidders to come see them at the space. The $450 starting bid is for the pair.

So sorry to have gotten your name wrong! It has been fixed now.
I also added the materials and classes details.
It is set to go live at 4pm today if that works for you.

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This is absolutely wonderful and I would love to be part of it as a vendor that day but wanted to check on this before I submit the application.
I am coming from out of town due to a family function the night before. I should be able to be there between 12&1. Would this still work if I am not able
To be there the full day?

We can make that work, though we won’t be able to allow vehicles to pull up after it has started. Please feel free to fill out the application and I’ll get you more details.

Just sent. Thank you!