Maker Meetup Tuesday Oct. 16 at 7:00pm

It’s Maker Meetup time for October tomorrow night. If you have something to show off, bring it in and give everyone a look. We’re a kind and supportive audience, so have no fear.

The meeting is open to everyone, so bring along anyone who might be interested. Doors open at 7:00, and we’ll get talking around 7:30.

I can’t make the meetup tonight :frowning:

But if y’all want to check out the live edge bench I’m working on (epoxy resin on Mulberry slab), feel free to pull the boxes off of it. It’s along the wall in the workspace to the right of the Jewelry section.

I did a first coat and need to fill it in some more before flipping it over and doing the other side.

Feel free to critique and/or provide suggestions!

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