Maker library/bookshelf

Curious to know what members think about the idea of a maker “library”. I’m a big fan of reading the manual for new toys and tools and thought it might be nice to have a dedicated shelf in the space for reference materials such as this. Perhaps this could be a spot for a second copy of SOPs for tools as well. I’m happy to take the lead on it, I just want to see how much interest exists for the idea before I dedicate to it. Any thoughts?

I have wanted one of these for a while. We’d need to decide where it should go, though.

Yes! Was thinking the wall the right of the clamps in the woodshop. It’s relatively central. There is a shelf there already that is somewhat unused, and I can’t remember if there is space next to it. Open to suggestions.

I’d think that the conference room behind the front office would work well. It’s quiet and there’s room to sit and read.

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I agree with the room conference maybe is more appropriate for a library. It could include all craft topics of LMN space.
I’m happy to help with the making/design of it :slight_smile:

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Alright! I want to make sure there aren’t plans for that to eventually be an admin only space first but otherwise I think that works.

Update: I think the current plan is a reading “corner” in the break room/kitchen. The board room is rather short on space and a good point was made that traffic through that space ought to be limited since it is carpeted.

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That sounds better than the conference room. More room, better lighting too.

I have some books that were on the way to Goodwill ,they are carpentry and diy related. Is that something that would be a good fit for the library?if not maybe somebody else would like them?


That seems like a great thing to add to a makerspace library

There is a table in the woodshop area covered in plastic, if you drop by the space you can leave 'em over there!

Ok , I will bring them in . Thanks.