Howdy all,
Spark Makers has some really neat recurring posts they use for their regular events on social media. I really like the text / image overlay on an image a maker working.
If we had a few of these that I could schedule in advance as social media posts, I think it would positively affect our attendance / awareness (and reduce the number of posts I need to make from scratch…)
We have several recurring events I think we should have images for:
- Open Forge Night
- Open Jewelry Night
- Open Stitch Night
Please let me know if you’re interested in trying your hand at this! I’ll get you access to our photos. Here are the requirements:
- Must list event name, day, time.
- Must be editable / shareable. Want to be able to alter information if needed (so, probably no Canva!)
If you have any questions or wanna chat about this, get in touch and I’ll help however I can! Thanks a bunch!