Lots more stuff I'm giving away

Hey all. I’m continuing to purge myself of excess things as I prepare to move into a smaller place in NYC. There are so many things now, I’ve posted them all on FreeCycle and will just post a link here to my offers. Let me know if you want anything:

Since Freecycle requires a login, here’s a list:

  • Air filter
  • Old Timey Hatchet
  • A toaster oven
  • A shallow pan good for roasting
  • Two portable metal cabinets
  • A cheese grinder
  • A glass water/wine carafe
  • Powdered alum mordant for dyeing
  • Vases


  • A gray drop cloth for painting

I’m interested in the telescope parts

Great! I’ll bring them over tomorrow!

I can haz beeswax and brewing stuff? :pleading_face:

Ooooooo, hot plate and scroll saw…

Sure! Can you pick them up tomorrow?

Sure. When can you pick them up?

could I possibly get more info on the hatchet and portable metal cabinets?

Yep, I can pick them up before noon or in the evening. When do you plan to drop them off?

I’m heading to LMN for a checkout at noon. I can bring them by beforehand.

I’ll bring it today before noon. I’m attending the checkout.

I have added to the list above.

Safety glasses and dust masks please.
Also if those gauche paints are still around, I’ll take 'em off your hands

I think I brought the guache to the space. I’ll bring the dust mask and goggles by today.

I’ll have to work that out, most of my day is programmed. I’ll get back to you.

I have left them at LMN for you to pick up.

I left the mask and goggles at LMN for you to pick up.

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