Looking for help fixing 3d printers not owned by LMN

Looking for expertise repairing a 3d printer

Hello all

I have a friend who is trying to get some 3d printers in his classroom repaired.

If there is anyone here that would like to connect with him, please let me know and I will get you connected.

Don’t know what brand.
Don’t know what model.
Don’t know what year.
Don’t know what color.
Don’t kmow what’s not working.
Don’t know what school district.
Don’t know what he has already tried.

I know I know… But I know a guy who knows all that.

Ken Dail

I think sharing the details of all the unknowns that you listed could help. Someone could see it and go ahh I had that printer or that issue before.

Thank for the feedback James. I am the conduit. Not sure what the printers are or what the issues are. But can get the email for the teacher who contacted me if anyone would be willing to reach out to him with any expertise.