Looking for 110v motors

Hey wonderful humans, I’m on the search for some (2 or 3) 110v 1/3hp 1750 rpm (or anything near those specs) electric motors for my lapidary equipment. Getting ready to assemble the bench and start making pretty rocks for jewelry and looking for some deals. If you have anything laying around feel free to message me and we can work out a price. Thanks bunches

Hi Brian,

I might have scads of motors lying around that you’d be welcome to. I’m not sure they’re the right specs, but you’re welcome to any you want.

Have you found what you need? I’ll probably be looking through a collection on Monday

Not yet…but this is the size, specs, and use for what I’m looking for.

Does not need to be reversible…this one just happened to be.

Is the motor I had going to work? Just asking before I salvage more

Nah…think mounting would be an issue for what I need. Thanks though.