LMN is a place that means so much to so many of us. We’ve (read: I’ve) lagged behind lately in being transparent, open and communicating well. Understandably this (among other problems) is causing a great deal of frustration and anxiety that can make it hard to find our way toward working together to plot our course.
In a renewed effort toward healing that communication fissure and being more responsive leaders, please join us for a town hall meeting at Lansing Makers Network. Brian Adams, LMN’s Executive Director will field questions and share the current struggles LMN is facing. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Letters, Michigan State University and director of the Knowledge Commons has graciously agreed to moderate our town hall and help us move forward in a positive way. You can find out more about Kathleen’s work on her website: https://kfitz.info
A town hall isn’t a panacea of course, but hopefully this first step gives us a solid starting point for change.
Please consider RSVPing only so we can plan for attendance, its in no way required. (NOTE, RSVP link coming soon) Questions can be submitted (and votes cast for existing questions) here: https://app.sli.do/event/1yRUEGpAQdvF4HcKJk4BRg/live/questions
There is currently not a plan to live stream or record this event. If that changes, we’ll of course update the posting.