“Everybody Reads” bookstore is working with “Punks with Lunch” a local service that provides free lunch bags to Lansing homeless. They are looking for any assistance to build a Mobile Pantry. The idea is like a “Free Library” of give and take along with a location to assist the handing out of their free lunches.
Any member that is interested in assisting or mentoring with their project can please contact Martin Mashon 517-894-7157
The Punks with Lunch people (Martin and Julia) stopped by today to follow up on their inquiry to see if anyone at LMN is interested in helping them to design and build a street pantry to be placed at a location on Michigan Avenue.
What they’re after is like a Little Free Library, but with non-perishable food items instead of books. This is a cabinet that will sit outside, and people come up and drop something off or take something to use.
They don’t have a full design yet, just an idea. So they need help coming up with plans, and then building it. What they’re after is a cabinet 5 feet high, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet deep. And it looks like a Tardis. (The photo looks like it has different proportions.)