Introduction - Jeff

Hi Everyone! I’m Jeff and I just joined LMN yesterday. I have some experience with basic woodworking. I am also interested in getting into leather tooling and metal working. Very excited to check out the makerspace and meet all of the makers in the network.

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Welcome Jeff!
I’m Evelyn, and I’m a shift leader Sundays and some Thursdays. I might ask to pick your brain about leather working

Welcome Jeff!
I’m Alex, and I am one of the blacksmiths at LMN! If the forge is the type of metal working you are interested in, I will be running a check out and giving a beginner lesson on Sunday the 6th at 1pm. You are welcome to attend if you would like. If so I would ask that you throw a response on my post titled Blacksmithing Checkouts and beginner project and let me know you will be there!

Hi Evelyn, That would be great. Honestly I have no experience yet with leather working but just picked up some tools.

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Hi Alex, Yes I would be very interested in joining that check out. I will put a response in the other thread. Thanks!