Introduction - Erik G

Okay so I’m not precisely new around here but I haven’t officially introduced myself and I just got an all-access membership so this seems like as good a time as any to share a little about myself.

I’m Erik (he/they). I’m a full-time dad and unschool with my kiddo, Kira. Formerly I was a web developer, taught web development at MSU, and organized tech events in the Lansing area.

Nowadays I’m learning a variety of homesteading skills. I’m interested in permaculture gardening, home maintenance, and sustainable living. In unschooling with Kira (unschooling is a child-led form of learning), we do crafts, play video and board games, move around a lot, and do creative storytelling, improv, and roleplaying (D&D). My hobbies are D&D, board games, and reading; other hobbies come and go. My whole family unit is neurospicy (I have OCD, the others ADHD) and fly our flags (:sparkling_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::heart::black_heart::black_heart::white_heart::green_heart:) too.

There’s a lot of opportunity to make things across both my and Kira’s interests so I’m hoping to get checked out on lots of tools and let our creativity run wild. We’re part of a homeschooling community called DICE and I’m hoping to introduce some of the others to LMN as well.

Sometimes my brain can feel shy or occupied but I’m hoping some of my interests overlap with some of yours so we can geek out about what we have in common from time to time.

If you don’t know what I look like and wanna say hey, I’m tall (6’6") and sporting a short beard rn. I’m usually wearing a flannel or colorful shirt with cartoon unicorns or cats too.

I hope to see more of y’all starting real soon! :metal:


So excited to see you and the family around the space and to make cool stuff together!