Introduction - Andrez

Hi everyone,

I’m Andrez, I’m 24, and from the Holt/Dimondale area. What drew me to LMN is the ability to expand my creative capabilities and also to meet cool creative people. I met with Jimmy the other day and am planning on volunteering at the space.

I plan to start taking classes at Davenport in January and my goal to transfer to NUHS, a school that specializes in integrated health care. My goal is get a bachelors of Biomedical science there in hopes of pursing a medical program afterwards.

In my free time I enjoy going to different nature centers or parks and walking on trails, studying spiritual philosophy and astrology, as well as a variety of different projects from making mead, herbal tinctures, to my own colloidal silver.

What I hope to learn at LMN is how to make silver jewelry such as rings and bracelets and coins. I have been interested in silver a lot lately and the subtle affects it has on our energy bodies. I am interested in learning how to make jewelry that can change the way you feel.

I look forward to meeting others in the space, if you see me feel free to say what’s up :raised_hands:t4:


I’m always open to talking about making mead. Took a bit of a break from it for a while, but need to get back to it. My most recent brewing was a French ale - designed to complement a steak dinner. Should be ready to test in a little over a week.

Welcome, Andrez! We’re glad to have you.