I wanted to pass along this information. I’m sure many of you ware familiar with https://www.instructables.com/ If not you should check it out, they have great user submitted write ups that are how to guides on many topics.
But the main reason for this post is to inform people about the contests that they regularly hold on the site.
There are themes for the contests and I think it would be something that individuals or teams from LMN would have a shot at winning. I’ve never submitted an entry but I think with all the talent at LMN it was worth sharing the offer.
There are 5 contest open right now, it is a bit of short notice since they only accept entries until March 2nd this time. But for example one of the contest is RaspberryPi based projects. So you do a write up or instructable on your raspberry-pi project and have a shot at the grand prize of a Dremel Digilab 3D20 3D Printer , there are 3 first prizes of $500 Amazon gift cards, or 5 prizes of $250 Amazon gift card. Even if you don’t win it’s still great to share content.
You can see previous winners to learn the type of projects that have been done as well as current entries.
Anyways I have just been impressed with the talent at LMN and thought this would be worth sharing.
Thanks, James