I am New Here and a Cosplayer!


My name is Mikala and I am a twitch streamer and a Cosplayer and I am currently working on a cosplay from Apex Legends and I am in need of help with trying to use a 3D printer. I know nothing when it comes to 3D printing when I have built everything in the past with EVA foam and Cardboard. I know that I need certain files for a 3D printer which I have. I just am unsure on what to do next.

If you are able to help guide me in the right direction that would be so wonderful!


Welcome! It sounds like you are looking for a 3d printer checkout. @ryglow and @Evelyn might be able to help with those.

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Depending on when you schedule the checkout for the 3d printer, I’d like to jump in and tag along for a checkout at the same time!

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Seconding wanting to jump in and tag along!

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I can be to this on Sunday during open hours, unless @leif_swanson can help sooner?

Howdy Mikala

I can be there Wednesday, the 20th from around noon to six pm. After six I have mini painting club meet to prepare for, but I could be available after that.

Leif Swanson

Hello Leif,

If my son and I came about 5:00 on Wednesday would that allow enough time for you to cover things with us? If you have not already started a session with others, this appears to be a popular unit.

Howdy Trogo

I would be delighted to.

Leif Swanson

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Do you mind if I come in for the 3d printer checkout as well @ 5? Unfortunately I do not have any filament at the moment if it’s necessary, but I do have some (limited) experience with 3d printing/modeling. No worries if not!

Howdy Dave

We have filament available, and I absolutely could.

Leif Swanson

Thank you Leif, as soon as my son gets home from school we will head that way. With us you will be starting at square one.

Welcome, Mikala!

Holy moly! I have been slammed the past week with work and getting Bronchitis :frowning: Is there any dates coming up that you would be free? Again I am super sorry I missed all of these messages

Sadly I am out of state for the thanksgiving, but i will be back on the 30th of November. I know for a fact I will be there on Wednesday December 4th from noon until about 6 again. Please let me know if you will be there.

Leif Swanson

I can definitely try and be there. I do sadly work a 9-5 job that is hybrid in GR as I live in Lansing. If there is another day that you would be there on a Friday or weekend, that might be easier for me but if not that is totally fine! I can try and make something during the week work! Thank you so for offering to help me!