How about a radio kit?

I’d love to see more activity in the electronics area, especially from beginners. Is there any interest in an informal kit-building group?

Recently I bought myself a kit project, an AM/FM radio. I don’t know much at all about radio circuits, but the instructions are good, and I’ll learn a few things.

Instead of a formal class, I’m thinking that interested people could each purchase the same kit, and we would meet over several sessions to put them together and get them working. We have all of the tools and test equipment to get them working.

I bought one of the fancier radio kits they have, about $45.00 on Amazon, but there are other less expensive kits from the same company. Some are under $20.00.

Is anyone interested in something like this? It doesn’t have to be a radio, if you have other ideas. But we’d need to all be working on the same thing.

This is the kit I bought. It has good reviews, and there are YouTube videos of people putting it together.


I’d be very interested in this, but tend to be out of town a lot. The YouTube video and good instructions sound as if they might fill in for a missed meeting or two, so long as I could make enough meetings to learn to use the required equipment in the Space.

I’ll be out of town between Feb. 27 and March 11, and April 17 and May 10.

Tom Herdt

This is something that would interest me.

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I’d be interested in this too.

Sounds great for the radio kit! I’d put in a suggestion for some sort of home security system/alarm kit.

I’d love to build skills in this area. Count me in!

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Count me in! I’d love to learn new skills

I’d definitely be interested in this group. Probably wouldn’t participate on every kit/project, but am very interested in practicing my electronics skills.

I would also be interested if this was a group: I think Tasma and I have thrown around the idea of an informal HAM radio club before, too.

cool idea, yeah im interested in building a radio

Shall we set a date/time?
Anyone free on Saturday, March 1?

I’m free any time on Sat March 1!