Facebook fundraiser, please share

We’re running a fundraiser on Facebook ahead of the Maker’s Material Market and could use your help! If you have a Facebook account, can you share this to your page or in groups that you may belong to?


Thank you so much! :heart:

Can I say, it seems better when fundraisers are for specific projects? This seems like it is for a very general purpose… Let’s unlock creativity and fuel passion? It sounds like LMN is in financial trouble… And maybe needs the support of people with marketing and funding experience.

A sudden large price increase? Will it crash the number of members - thus backfiring?

A postcard mail campaign to raise awareness of the space? Who reads random postcards they get in the mail? And it is expensive…a buck or more for postage and printing - and usually a low response for targeted mailings, even lower for general mailings.

Have you considered asking new members where they heard about the space? Have you considered asking former members why they are no longer members?

A museum I support just had a fundraiser for a specific roof repair. They raised $4,000 in a week.

A glass collector’s club I belong to just had their annual glass sale - we got hit hard by Covid and had not had a sale for three years. We were cancelled two weeks before the show in April 2020, then our venue of 35 years was sold and we had a hard time finding an affordable new venue. We normally do mailings - but skipped that this year because we were on a tight budget. They used the free version of mail chimp to contact former attendees. Printed postcards to leave at antique malls and for vendors to pass out. They did targeted facebook ads, but the best source of new customers seems to have come from people sharing on Instagram.


Lots of helpful ideas here! Are you up for taking the lead on any of them?