Copy Vcarve SOP into Dozuki volunteer task

Summary: copy Dozuki pdf to Dozuki typed bullets and steps

I believe you will have to create a Dozuki account to do this. Message me (@yorpherder) on Discord, or tag me in a response to this post if you encounter trouble doing this

This dozuki only has a pdf

The pdf is listed here. Please copy the text and images into our Dozuki with steps. You may encounter issues with too much information per step, or other issues. Please include all the pdf information, even if the dozuki becomes messy.

-Please respond to this post with updates-


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I’ve gotten the first three steps entered; i have been doing some very unintuitive shenanigans trying to get the pictures on there, so it may end up being only the text that I can enter for now.

I’ll let you know how my efforts pan out

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Thanks for working on this. It would be pretty easy to get new screenshots from Vcarve directly. They don’t have to match the existing document perfectly. And they can be added later, of course.

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Long time no update- to my knowledge, the whole of the guide is now on Dozuki, and it -appears- as though someone else has been cleaning up what i already had uploaded, so thanks to whomever you are!

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I have been working on it! I think I have a good draft now if anyone would like to review it.

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