Checkout request laser cutter

Hey guys! Any chance someone could do a laser cutter check out for me this weekend? Preferably Sunday if possible. Feel free to text me (734) 645-1386

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I’d like to come too if this happens on Sunday.

I’m out of town this weekend and I know @Jtempkin @Evelyn are hosting a couple of events on Sunday… Tagging @Jimmy to see if he’s available to do a checkout this weekend.

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Sunday between 4-5 is available if you would like!

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I can try and be there! I might be a little bit later than that

I’ll be there at 4! Plus more characters.

Hello! Sorry I wasn’t able to make this. Would anyone be available this Thursday after 5?

Hi Jaime, I’m not available today after 5, but I am available tomorrow 4-6, Saturday 11-1, and Sunday 12-2. Let me know if any of those times work for you.

Earlier tomorrow would be better if possible. I’ll message some of the other folks who volunteered. If not, I will just postpone to a later date.