Hey, Cliff. Sorry that it’s taken me so long to reach out to you. I was wondering, what time would be good to get checked out on the blacksmithing equipment, including the belt sanders in the corner? I would also like to work with you on making a couple replica medieval English warheads. I have a bunch I’ve bought and I can bring the assembled arrows in. I’m not free the first and second of October, but the Thursday and Friday beforehand and all standard membership days afterwards I am free for the foreseeable future.
I would dearly love to make some medieval arrow heads for myself. Please include me in this.
Cliff, id also like to get checked out for blacksmithing equipment, and the welder when possible within the next few weeks.
I’ll be at the space on Saturday between 10 AM and 3 PM and can do checkouts during that time.
I can also do checkouts on Thursday (9/6) evening or Saturday (9/8) between noon and 4 PM. If either of those times work, let me know, and I’ll make sure I’m there!
Hey @Clifford_Bohm Sorry for the late reply, I would be happy to be checked out tomorrow at noon! if you’re still open schedule!
@Greg , I’ll be there.
@David_Johnson are you planning on making bodkin points or broadheads?
I should be completing a jig to make a arrowhead mandrel soon.
Hey Cliff, I’m very sorry for not getting back to you. A lot of things came up including a couple of deaths in the family and a very painful and hectic holiday season.
Are you still available to do checkout and arrowheads? Also I am planning on making Bodkins, specifically type 7, 9, 10, and 16. I’m available anytime this month and I can check April if that’s the only time you have.
Again I’m very sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner and I hope your PhD program is going well.