Friendly reminder of our upcoming board meeting. Below you’ll find the details for the Zoom meeting. Our rough agenda is as follows:
- Update on Financial Situation (B. Adams) 15 mins
- Update on Reopening Tasks (B. Adams) 15 mins
- Discussion of Space Search Committee (B. Adams) 20 mins
- Open Question: How do we meet our mission/goals in the during/post-covid world? 30 mins
Grammarly says my text is “Joyful” so I’ll take that as a good sign. Questions or suggestions for the agenda are welcome of course.
Note: Board Meetings are open to members to attend (excepting executive sessions which are open to only Board Members). We simply ask members to use the “raise hand” feature of Zoom to join the conversation.
Topic: LMN Board Meeting
Time: Sep 23, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 8153 5105
Passcode: LMNMakes