I will be offering a basic forge checkout in the Blacksmithing area on Sunday, December 8 at 1pm. This will include how to safely turn on the forge and how to do basic work with the anvils. This should take a couple hours depending on how many people are interested.
If you are interested, please comment below so I can have a sense on what to expect
I’d like to attend as part of the learn-to-give-the-checkout process!
If anyone’s interested, we could run a hook-making test-run-class along with the checkout - get checked out, try out your new skills, and help us get the hook class back up and running again!
( Heads up to @cafwood, who I know was interested in attending the hook test run)
My preference would be to not combine a checkout and a class unless the checkout covers the same things in more or less the same way the class will. Also, the test class should be limited to the number expected in the class.
I imagined the class would take place after the checkout, not alongside
Yeah same - come for the checkout, but while we have you here, stay for the class.
(Or the opposite order if that timing works better for people)
Are you planning it for the same day?
I’d also like to attend for the checkout
I’d like to attend the checkout too, will plan to be there this sunday