@billehhg @Joslyn_Mara and anyone else who might be interested, I would be available to do a blacksmithing check out and walk you through a beginner project on Sunday, feb. 6th. I would prefer to start around 1 pm. but I have a little wiggle room if needed.
I would be interested in a check out also.
@GaryB Sure! does that time work for you?
I’ll be free, do I need to get anything?
@JamesFriend If you would like to go to Alro Metals Plus on saginaw next to harbor freight and pick up a bar of 3/8 square cold roll mild steel that is what we will use for the beginner project. Make sure you tell them your a member of LMN. we have a business account with them and we get a discount
@Alex that time would be fine. Looking forward to it.
Hey Alex, I’ve just joined Maker Space and have always wanted to black smith, I would love to join this checkout if possible but I understand there are already a lot of people so no worries if I can’t.
@Smigiels No worries! We certainly have room for you to join us for the check out. Welcome to LMN! As I said to James, it would be helpful if you could swing over to Alro Metals Plus on saginaw and pick up a bar of the steel I mentioned. Also @JamesFriend @GaryB I should mention that for safety purposes you should only wear 100% cotton clothing and closed toed leather or heavy canvas shoes. Also if you have a pair of safety glasses you are fond of, bring em with ya!
Im not going to be able to make it unfortuantly but have fun
No worries I’ll let you know next time we do this
Hey thanks for letting me know! I volunteer sunday until 2.30 but i don’t imagine that anyone would be opposed to me ending earlier or just finishing any tasks after the checkout
@Andy your the shift leader for that shift, can you say for sure if that would be ok? Looks like you have 2 volunteers for the shift so I don’t imagine it would cause a problem.
Hi Alex, I would be interested in sitting in on the check out. Is there still room for me to join?
Yes there is! Please see above for safety instructions and materials!
If needed, I am available to come in and fill in for the volunteers that want to sit in on the class.
@Alex What is the estimate on how long the checkout will take? Just trying to do some planning.
the actual check out takes like 5 minutes. The project I would like to run you all through could take 2-3 hours or so.