Area Managers (esp. Cliff and Carl)- Electricity

The electrician is ready to start wiring next week. Please, mark out tool or outlet locations you need and the voltage requirements this week or weekend if possible. Contact me with questions.

Hello, I have been having trouble with my Internet (either so slow I can’t load web pages or just not working), but whatever. I heard from Vic that some plugs were put in today and the electrician will be around tomorrow again. What time will they be there? I have questions and can stop by any time tomorrow.

In addition to some plugs from the drill presses/grinders, and the welders, I was hoping that I could get a 220 plug for the arc welder.

Thanks for making this happen!

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I stopped by this morning and was able to talk to one of the electricians. Everything they’ve done so far looks great, and I was able to communicate some more detailed requests.

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