During my shift today I thought I would print something but I noticed the nozzle was covered in bright green goo. Trying to load or unload a filament causes the machine to click and the wheel does not advance. I do not know how to diagnose or fix this–possibly it’s a clog? I saw a similar thread from two years ago that mentions a acupuncture needle, which I cannot locate Prusa 3D printer unhappy about loading filament - Issues and Requests - Lansing Makers Network
Is anyone fluent in the 3d printer that can look at this or offer insight?
This previous thursday I was attempting to print a new bed scraper and was having similar issues. After some mild dissassembly I discovered there was a filament breakage and cleared it. after reassembling and running some calibration I had some issues similar to what you have described. I will take another look when I am there next as it sounds like clog and I do have some acupuncture needles for my printer at home. Theoretically I can check monday ( december 9th) but also its finals week. I will try my best.
The ptfe tube in the hotend appears mangled I will replace it and see if that fixes the problem. I’m also going to recalibrate the z adjust just in case.
I think what happened was i failed to properly recalibrate the z off set and some one tried to print something so all of the filament stuck to the nozzle instead of the build plate. I will correct that now before I leave.
As of right now i have successfully printed a test cube. I believe the printer is now fully functional again. If more problems occur please let me know.