Pot luck at LMN

Hi folks
Thinking about a get together in January an informal gathering of like minded souls. Let’s celebrate LMNs idea of outreach craftsmanship and community
Say Saturday the 14th or 21st around 5pm everyone bring a dish to pass we will all enjoy the comradery and food
Please get back to me with your thoughts
Significant Others will be welcome.


Hi! I like this idea, but I’m almost never free until 8pm saturdays. Obviously can’t plan it all around 1 person, but sundays are much easier for me

Blazingly good idea. I’m all in!

I also like this idea and can do Sunday the 14th or 22nd as well!

That sounds like a great idea. thatll be around my birthday. I make a really good pecan pie, I can bring that in for us to enjoy

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This sounds so nice! I’ll join!

Would love to join, I should be free on all of those dates!

Should there be a sign up sheet (on line), break down of dishes by last or first name, or chance it and have the feast of green bean casserole?

I’ve been to a feast of green bean casserole. People ran out to ask me what I had brought. When I said green bean casserole, there was a collective sigh and a slow walk back.

Sign up sheet or not, i’ll be sure not to bring green bean casserole

I’d love to participate!

I’d love to join in and have fond memories of management participation (in the way of some food items)… any input on a repeat performance?

Ok all thanks I am setting the date for 1 22 23. At 5 (seems like Sunday was best for most) Maria will put out sign up sheets and you can reply on line. I am looking forward to seeing you all Vic


Hey ya’all. Are there any vegetarians or vegans in the group? Let is know so we can make sure there is more to offer than plain pasta or a leaf of lettuce.


Good idea. It would also help those with allergies if there was an ingredient list. Just a small card (3×5) with the info.


I am vegetarian* and I know we have at least one vegan in the space. Thank you for bringing this up!

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Here’s an online version of the sign up sheet to avoid a green bean casserole disaster (Potluck Sign Up Sheet - Google Docs)
There’s a sign and hard copy version on the fridge in the break room for members who visit the space, but don’t check the talksite regularly. If y’all can add your name to that sheet next time you visit, it would be appreciated! I will update any other additions to the Google doc, so last minute planners can take a look before the potluck.

What are we going to do for serving utensils, forks/knives, plates for individual servings?

I’ve seen plenty of cutlery and plates in the cabinets in the break room. I’ll double check, but if it looks like we’re running low by the end of January, I can grab more from Costco. I can also bring serving utensils from home for the day.

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Thanks for picking up the slack all. Vic

Great idea! My Brian & I will be there. :slightly_smiling_face: