I think this is probably a closer match. The 0.5 to 1 mm translates to 0.02 to 0.039. 0.060 is still much thicker. I wonder if Menards would be willing to donate their stock ? Anyone have time to call and check ? I also wonder if there’s a product we’re not thinking about that uses the thinner materials.
And lastly are we sure the face shields are needed by the local health people ? (As in are they in short supply the same way the masks are ?)
Oh geez you are right. I was way off on my conversion. I think I saw people using the plastic sheet / envelope thing that people put school reports in.
Are you bagging them as they come off the printer ? Mark the date on them. It seems as though the thinking right now if that they need to sit out the contaminated surfaces period either way. And do your best (gloves, face mask) to prevent contamination as you’re removing them from the machine.
But you’re right, they probably shouldn’t take medical devices from symptomatic makers. but depending on the depth of the shortage yours that have been sitting longer than the virus lasts may be useful eventually.
@brian.adams I bagged up what I have. I think it’s 6 of the rc2 version and 16 of the rc1 version. I scrubbed up, put a mask on and gloves before bagging them in two separate gallon Ziploc bags.
Another source for the shields is clear vinyl. I think the face shield in the Henry Ford video was made of it.
I just called Nautical Upholstery and Custom Canvas and they have a stock of it. I talked with Daniel there and she wants to help. She has some of the thicker gauge and says she can order a more appropriate gauge she thinks will work better. She’ll drop off a couple sheets tonight on my porch for me to sample. I’ll post pics when I get them.
I think it’s a good option just means cutting them with a template rather than laser cutting. But we could laser a template and get multiple folks cutting the material. Let us know what you think when you get the material
So Danielle dropped of rolls of 30 gauge and 40 gauge. I looked it up and, in this instance, gauge is actually mils. So .030" and .040". She thinks 20 gauge would work better and can order it and have it in in a couple of days.
Just talked with Lisa Sack at the Sparrow Foundation. I questioned her about homemade items being contaminated and she said as long as it can be cleaned, they will take them. Adding, they are already taking donations that are 3D printed and would take whatever we can get them.
I’m not sure who is printing or wants to print the Prusa headbands besides @James_the_sparky. Anyone else?
Supposedly its more flexible like ninjaflex and holds up better. PLA would break or crack under any sort of stress but it can be molded easy with a hair dryer.
Edit: I hit the newb limit on the forum. Be advised I cannot respond.
I bagged mine up on Monday and put in a cardboard box. I moved the box yesterday to my trunk to minimize contamination. I’m wondering when I could drive them up to make space or wherever for someone else to take over the assembly. If we don’t want to use mine I understand I still have a sore throat. No other symptoms.
I could drive somewhere and someone could take them from my trunk. Let me know. Or if we need to wait a few more days in my trunk I understand.